Sunday, June 29, 2008

happily hitched

Our newest addition to the family, Auntie Chelsea
My two little men for the wedding
the best family pic we managed to get.....

Monday, June 23, 2008

My milkshake brings all the girls to the yard........

We call Dacen's latest trick "the milkshake" You'll know when you see it!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

2nd Place!!!

The derby went well as you can see we took 2nd place, which I was very surprised considering we are a little rough around the edges in the derby world. we had a fast little car! Dax loved every minute of it and we of course loved every second of watching him love it. As you can see Dace was overdue for a nap so he was petting his eyelashes during the race. The best part was winning the ribbon and trophy!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Pinewood Derby!!!

Mom is lucky enough to be in cub scouts and so it is that time of year that the pine wood derby happens! Dax is of course really excited that he gets to help the construction of a cool dude race car! Almost immediately he feverishly searched through all of his cars trying to decide which one we could make it look like "so it be the fastest one" The green ramone from the infamous cars movie (which we know nothing about in this house) won the competition. (He wasn't looking throught the bucket with lightening or the other race cars.) His heart was set! So we went to the store where he picked out the color of green he would like, came started carving(dads job) dax did some sanding though and alot of painting----and the rest is history. The race is schedule for Sat morning - wish us luck!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

How can you tell when your child is sick??

He lays motionless sprawling on to the cold hard wood floors

Sunday, June 1, 2008