Monday, August 20, 2007

Harvesting of the MATOES

We have had a wonderful summer this year and I have an awesome garden in the backyard thanks to my Dad who's secret calling in life is Master Gardener ( He knows it, but others may not). So if you can't get it to grow call him up, he can! One of Daxtons favorite things to do in the garden is to go and pick the "matoes", come back in and eat'em! (with ranch dippy of course)As he has so kindly demonstrated in these pictures. The "matoe" plants have gotten so big now that it has become a daily activity for us to "Harvest the matoes" and you know that our matoe loving neighbors who didn't plant ones of their own look forward to Daxtons little knock on the door and his polite "Matoe delivery" when the door is answered. He gets it from a show with a pizza guy who says pizza delivery, but he decided to put his own twist on it. Its very cute. Gardening is something I really enjoy and am learning to be better at. Its great to because Dax really like to pick the stuff and then eat it, he also really likes zucchini dipped in ranch too, and any time we go to play on the swings in the backyard it is a special treat to pick the sugar snap peas and eat them while swinging. I'm excited that he's excited about veggies.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


We love uncles!! And we are lucky to have uncle Craig staying with us! Dax thinks he is in heaven. Access to a whole new play toy right down stairs! Here are just a few pictures of our fun with uncle Craig - and any of you who actually know Craig should really be chuckling at these pictures, they just have Craig written all over them!

Dax thinks uncle Craig is really cool and so is his pewter. Our pewter doesn't do cool stuff like uncle Craig's!